Monthly cost
Performance, security, availability and flexibility of a dedicated hosting to the price of a shared hosting, this is what we offer you with our dedicated virtual servers (VPS).
Based on KVM technology, Gozil VPS are true dedicated solutions where our customers share only the physical resources of the server with other servers.
Unlike other hosts the RAM capacities that we mention in our offers are GUARANTEED, they are dedicated to you whether you use it or not. You have the choice between accommodation in Europe, Canada or Morocco, yes we offer VPS servers physically located in MOROCCO!
Monthly cost
Monthly cost
Monthly cost
Monthly cost
Complete administration from the client area: Thanks to our panel, manage your VPS server as if it were in front of you
20 Distributions to install: All large distributions are available in installation, we propose more than 20 distributions;
Up to 100 Mbps with unlimited traffic. If you find better simply we will refund you.
Best market availability rates: 99.99% network uptime.
Support and assistance by experts: Our support is reachable from Monday to Friday by Tel from 9H to 18H.
In three words: Personalization, Performance and Security.%
Customization: If you have an application that requires specific settings you need to think of a VPS because it says pooled basic configuration that works for all sites in general.
Performance: Beyond a certain number of monthly visitors it is necessary to think about migrating to a VPS because the server resources for the shared hosting are studied for sites with small or medium traffic. Over 40000 unique visitors per day a VPS can be useful to keep a fluid access, which is generally not possible on shared hosting packages
Security: Sharing a server with other clients means sharing the risk of each hosted application; Even if today our shared hosting offers are safe and guarantee a strict partitioning between the different hosted applications, if you have sensitive data, then to host a VPS is a solution to seriously consider.
We offer VPS on 3 continents: Europe, North America, Africa. Our servers are hosted in Data Centers certified Third Tiers in France for Europe, Canada for North America and Morocco for Africa.
You said Morocco, your servers are really located in Morocco?
Yes, Yes, Yes, we offer VPS which are located in 2 cities in Morocco, Casablanca and Rabat. It is not only our IP addresses that are located in Morocco like other hosts; but physically OUR servers are in the Moroccan national territory.
If you want to visit our Datacenters, contact us to make an appointment.
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