Does your domain name belong to you?
Who is indicated as the owner of the domain name?
Since they already have an account with the host, many webmasters register the domains automatically in their own name. Thus, they do not waste time creating identifiers for each of their customers. Fast, effective, you think you will save time and that it will do one less thing to manage? Big mistake, it’s a very bad solution!
If one day you have problems with your provider and you want to communicate directly with your host, this will not be possible. Legally speaking, the domain name or the hosting service belongs to your webmaster and if you wish to take possession of it, you will be obliged to buy it at the price defined by its owner or to yield to a possible blackmail.
Who is informed in administrative contact?
The e-mail filled in as the administrative contact of your domain is the one that will be contacted in case of need of authorization for a transfer. Thus, if one day you are no longer happy with your host and you want to put your website elsewhere, you would need the agreement of the person in administrative contact. Even if you no longer work with your provider, the transfer of your site and all the information stored there will depend on it. And let’s not talk about the case where the provider has locked the key or left without leaving an address. You will then have to start heavy administrative procedures to recover your domain or your website.
Do you own code rights, graphics files and databases?
Even if it is not explicitly mentioned in the contract, the intellectual property code will apply on your website. This means that creators will always have ownership of different graphic files or lines of code. You will have the right to use them but not to resell them.
If you wish to own the copyright (in addition to the rights of use), you must specify it in your contract.
We advise you to be careful when you entrust your site to an external provider. Make sure you have all the necessary rights on your site and that the domain name is registered in your name. The best is of course to be a direct client at HOSTEUR, to be the owner of the server that will host your sites or your emails and especially your domains, so tomorrow, in case of conflict, with your provider, he can not suspend you or cut the service because it is YOU and YOU alone who will be the owner.
If you have doubts about a provider or questions, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you and give you more information.
Source: Gozil