To rebuy a domain name is possible!
How to rebuy a domain name?
It is necessary to have a website and you have found the perfect domain name for that?
This is a very good thing but there is a problem: the domain name is unavailable. We buy it?
First you type the URL in a browser, then you come across a message like: ERROR 404
It’s a good sign. This shows that the website is not used and probably resalable!
The next step is to have a little more information about who owns it and who to contact.
- Go to whois to type the same adress in the search bar.
- Go through the intermediation websites for the sale of domain names. One of the best known and used for French speaking is, it puts in relation seller of domain and purchaser and makes it possible to guarantee the transaction of sale of the domain and transfer of the domain to the new buyer . Several other trusted sites exist like
Warning ! Never go through a direct transaction with the seller.
Once the domain is registered the current owner has full control over it and once you send him the money you have no guarantee that he will transfer the domain to you. Hence the importance of intermediation websites that only pays him money once the domain is transferred to your home or home.
To conclude, having an unavailable domain name can be blocking the momentum of launching a website. We must not lose hope and keep his motivation.